V2X-BGN: Camera-based V2X-Collaborative 3D Object Detection with BEV Global Non-Maximum Suppression

Caiji Zhang,Bin Tian, Shi Meng, Shuangying Qi, Yang Sun,Yunfeng Ai,Long Chen

2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)(2024)

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In recent years, research on Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) cooperative perception algorithms mainly focuses on the fusion of intermediate features from LiDAR point clouds. Since the emergence of excellent single-vehicle visual perception models like BEVFormer, collaborative perception schemes based on camera and late-fusion have become feasible approaches. This paper proposes a V2X-collaborative 3D object detection structure in Bird's Eye View (BEV) space, based on global non-maximum suppression and late-fusion (V2X-BGN), and conducts experiments on the V2X-Set dataset. Focusing on complex road conditions with extreme occlusion, the paper compares the camera-based algorithm with the LiDAR-based algorithm, validating the effectiveness of pure visual solutions in the collaborative 3D object detection task. Additionally, this paper highlights the complementary potential of camera-based and LiDAR-based approaches and the importance of object-to-ego vehicle distance in the collaborative 3D object detection task.
Object Detection,Global Inhibition,Non-maximum Suppression,3D Object Detection,Visual Perception,Point Cloud,Feature Fusion,Bird’s Eye,Object Detection Task,LiDAR Point Clouds,Vehicle Distance,Neural Network,Convolutional Neural Network,Detection Results,Intersection Over Union,Autonomous Vehicles,Objective Information,Distance Range,Intelligence Agencies,Close Distance,3D Detection,Intelligent Vehicles,Detection Boxes,Graph Neural Networks,Late Fusion,Prediction Box,Detection Head,Depth Estimation,Image-based Detection,Single Vehicle
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