FIGURE 4 from FASN Gene Methylation is Associated with Fatty Acid Synthase Expression and Clinical-genomic Features of Prostate Cancer


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FASN protein expression, and to a lesser extent FASN gene methylation, is associated with ERG status in primary tumor cohort. A, FASN protein expression by immunostaining is higher in ERG+ compared with ERG− cases in the JHU primary tumor cohort; each point represents an individual tumor. B, FASN protein expression by immunostaining is also increased in ERG+ compared with ERG− cases from the PCBN cohort; each point represents an individual tumor. C,FASN probe methylation varies significantly by ERG status for several probes. D,FASN gene methylation mean beta value is not significantly different by ERG status in JHU cohort; each point represents an individual tumor. E,FASN gene expression is significantly higher in ERG fusion positive compared with ERG fusion negative tumors in the WCDT cohort; each point represents an individual tumor. F,FASN gene mean methylation is significantly lower in ERG fusion positive compared with ERG fusion negative tumors in the WCDT cohort; each point represents an individual tumor (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001).
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