We are what we eat: The role of lipids in metabolic diseases.

Advances in food and nutrition research(2023)

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Lipids play a fundamental role, both structurally and functionally, for the correct functioning of the organism. In the last two decades, they have evolved from molecules involved only in energy storage to compounds that play an important role as components of cell membranes and signaling molecules that regulate cell homeostasis. For this reason, their interest as compounds involved in human health has been gaining weight. Indeed, lipids derived from dietary sources and endogenous biosynthesis are relevant for the pathophysiology of numerous diseases. There exist pathological conditions that are characterized by alterations in lipid metabolism. This is particularly true for metabolic diseases, such as liver steatosis, type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The main issue to be considered is lipid homeostasis. A precise control of fat homeostasis is required for a correct regulation of metabolic pathways and safe and efficient energy storage in adipocytes. When this fails, a deregulation occurs in the maintenance of systemic metabolism. This happens because an increased concentrations of lipids impair cellular homeostasis and disrupt tissue function, giving rise to lipotoxicity. Fat accumulation results in many alterations in the physiology of the affected organs, mainly in metabolic tissues. These alterations include the activation of oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, increased inflammation, accumulation of bioactive molecules and modification of gene expression. In this chapter, we review the main metabolic diseases in which alterations in lipid homeostasis are involved and discuss their pathogenic mechanisms.
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