Supplemental Figure 1 Brat protein expression is reduced in inscuteable driven brat RNAi neuroblasts at larval and adult stages. from <i>Drosophila</i> Brat and Human Ortholog TRIM3 Maintain Stem Cell Equilibrium and Suppress Brain Tumorigenesis by Attenuating Notch Nuclear Transport


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(A-H) Panels showing 3rd Inster larval brain. (A-D) Brain of normal larva expressing Brat protein. (E-H) Brain of brat-RNAi expressing larva showing reduced Brat protein. Scale bar: 10um. (I-X) Panels showing 5days old adult brain. (I-L and Q-T) Brain of control adult expressing Brat protein. (M-P and U-X) Brain of brat-RNAi expressing adults showing reduced Brat protein. Scare bar: (I-P) 100um and (Q-X) 10um. bratIR is brat-RNAi.

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