A Tri-Ridge Flared Horn Reflector Antenna Feed for Radio Astronomy

2022 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)(2022)

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Tri-ridge waveguides (TRWs) have been shown to have wider single-mode bandwidth when compared to quad-ridged waveguides (QRWs) [1], which presents an opportunity for the design and optimization of Tri-Ridge Flared Horns (TRFHs) to compete against the widely accepted Quad-Ridge Flared Horns (QRFHs) as reflector feeds in radio astronomy. Fig. 1 shows an example of a TRFH design, showing the 120° separation of the ridges. This talk will present design methods and initial results for the performance of a TRFH as a wideband reflector feed. Specific attention will be given to the design of the horn and ridge tapers to guarantee trapped-mode free operation, as well as provide controlled wideband radiation and impedance performance. Discussion of the three-way digital orthogonal-mode transducer as well as the details of the optimization method (with a goal of maximum receiving sensitivity over a nominally 3.5:1 bandwidth) will be provided.
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Key words
Tri-ridge waveguides,single-mode bandwidth,quad-ridged waveguides,Tri-Ridge Flared Horns,widely accepted Quad-Ridge Flared Horns,radio astronomy,TRFH design,design methods,wideband reflector feed,ridge tapers,trapped-mode free operation,provide controlled wideband radiation,impedance performance,three-way digital orthogonal-mode transducer,Tri-Ridge Flared horn reflector antenna feed
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