Renormalons in a scalar self-interacting theory: Thermal, thermomagnetic, and thermoelectric corrections for all values of the temperature


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In this article we revisit the discussion of renormalons in the frame of a scalar self-interacting lambda phi(4) theory in the presence of thermomagnetic effects, i.e., magnetic and thermal effects. Our results for the evolution of the residues is now given by an explicit analytic expression, valid for all values of temperature, without the necessity of separating the discussion in a low- and a high temperature region analyses. We carry out the same discussion for the case of an external constant electric field, obtaining also in this case an analytic expression for the whole range o temperature. In both cases, the location of the poles in the Borel plane does not change with respect to the vacuum case. Their residues, however, acquire a dependence on temperature and the external field. Results are presented for the evolution of residues in the thermomagnetic and thermoelectric cases. We show a comparison with our previous results in the thermomagnetic case, presenting also in detail the mathematical techniques needed for our analytic expressions to be valid in the whole range of temperatures.
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Key words
renormalons,thermoelectric corrections,temperature,self-interacting
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