Interactions between influenza A virus nucleoprotein and gene segment UTRs facilitate selective modulation of viral gene expression


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The influenza A virus (IAV) genome is divided into eight negative-sense, single-stranded RNA segments. Each segment exhibits a unique level and temporal pattern of expression, however the exact mechanisms underlying the patterns of individual gene segment expression are poorly understood. We previously demonstrated that a single substitution in the viral nucleoprotein (NP:F346S) selectively modulates neuraminidase (NA) gene segment expression while leaving other segments largely unaffected. Given what is currently known about NP function, there is no obvious explanation for how changes in NP can selectively modulate the replication of individual gene segments. We found that the specificity of this effect for the NA segment is virus strain specific and depends on the UTR sequences of the NA segment. While the NP:F346S substitution did not significantly alter the RNA binding or oligomerization activities of NP in vitro, it specifically decreased the ability of NP to promote NA segment vRNA synthesis. In addition to NP residue F346, we identified two other adjacent aromatic residues in NP (Y385 & F479) capable of similarly regulating NA gene segment expression, suggesting a larger role for this domain in gene-segment specific regulation. Our findings reveal a new role for NP in selective regulation of viral gene segment replication and demonstrate how the expression patterns of individual viral gene segments can be modulated during adaptation to new host environments. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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