Distinct, opposing functions for CFIm59 and CFIm68 in mRNA alternative polyadenylation of Pten and in the PI3K/Akt signalling cascade


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Precise maintenance of PTEN dosage is crucial for tumor suppression across a wide variety of cancers. Post-transcriptional regulation of Pten heavily relies on regulatory elements encoded by its 3 ' UTR. We previously reported the important diversity of 3 ' UTR isoforms of Pten mRNAs produced through alternative polyadenylation (APA). Here, we reveal the direct regulation of Pten APA by the mammalian cleavage factor I (CFIm) complex, which in turn contributes to PTEN protein dosage. CFIm consists of the UGUA-binding CFIm25 and APA regulatory subunits CFIm59 or CFIm68. Deep sequencing analyses of perturbed (KO and KD) cell lines uncovered the differential regulation of Pten APA by CFIm59 and CFIm68 and further revealed that their divergent functions have widespread impact for APA in transcriptomes. Differentially regulated genes include numerous factors within the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt) signalling pathway that PTEN counter-regulates. We further reveal a stratification of APA dysregulation among a subset of PTEN-driven cancers, with recurrent alterations among PI3K/Akt pathway genes regulated by CFIm. Our results refine the transcriptome selectivity of the CFIm complex in APA regulation, and the breadth of its impact in PTEN-driven cancers.
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