A compilation of fecal microbiome shotgun metagenomics from hospitalized patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation


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Hospitalized patients receiving hematopoietic cell transplants provide a unique opportunity to study how the human gut microbiome changes in response to perturbations, and how the resulting changes in the microbiome feedback on its living host. We previously compiled a large-scale longitudinal dataset of stool microbiome compositions from these patients and associated metadata[1][1]. In that dataset the microbiome analysis was limited to the taxonomic composition of the bacterial population obtained from 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Here, we augment those data with shotgun metagenomic sequences from a nested subset of 395 stool samples. We provide accession numbers that link each sample to the paired-end sequencing files deposited in a public repository, which can be directly accessed by the online services of PATRIC[2][2] to be analyzed without the users having to download or transfer the files. We provide examples that show how shotgun sequencing enriches microbiome analyses beyond the taxonomic composition such as the analysis of gene functions including virulence factors and antibiotic resistances, and the assembly of genomes from metagenomic data. ### Competing Interest Statement M.R.M.v.d.B. received financial support from Seres Therapeutics. J.U.P. reports research funding, intellectual property fees, and travel reimbursement from Seres Therapeutics, and consulting fees from DaVolterra, CSL Behring, and from MaaT Pharma. He has filed intellectual property applications related to the microbiome (reference numbers #62/843,849, #62/977,908, and #15/756,845). M.-A.P/ has received honoraria from AbbVie, Bellicum, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Incyte, Merck, Novartis, Nektar Therapeutics, and Takeda; has received research support for clinical trials from Incyte, Kite (Gilead) and Miltenyi Biotec; and serves on data and safety monitoring boards for Servier and Medigene and scientific advisory boards for MolMed and NexImmune. [1]: #ref-1 [2]: #ref-2
fecal microbiome,metagenomics
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