Nature-inspired Circular-economy Recycling (NaCRe) for Proteins: Proof of Concept


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The billion tons of synthetic polymer-based materials ( i.e. plastics) produced every year are one of the greatest challenges that humanity has to face. Nature produces even more natural polymers, yet they are sustainable. For example, proteins are sequence-defined natural polymers, that are constantly recycled when living systems feed. Indeed, digestion is the protein depolymerization into amino acids ( i.e. the monomers) followed by their re-assembly into new proteins of arbitrarily different sequence and function. This process breaks a common recycling paradigm where a material is recycled into itself. Organisms feed of random protein mixtures that are ‘recycled’ into new proteins whose identity depends on the cell’s needs at the time of protein synthesis. Currently, advanced materials are increasingly made of proteins, but the abovementioned ideal recyclability of such materials has yet to be recognized and established. In this study mixtures of several (up to >30) peptides and/or proteins were depolymerized into their amino acid constituents, and these amino acids were used to synthesize new fluorescent, and bio-active proteins extra-cellularly by using an amino acid-free cell-free transcription-translation system. Proteins with high relevance in materials engineering (β-lactoglobulin films, used for water filtration, or silk fibroin solutions) were successfully recycled into biotechnologically relevant proteins (green, and red fluorescent proteins, catechol 2,3-dioxygenase). The potential long-term impact of this approach to recycling lies in its compatibility with circular-economy models where raw materials remain in use as long as possible, thus reducing the burden on the planet. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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