Experiences of Adult Men Who Are Homeless Accessing Care: A Qualitative Study


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Introduction: Homeless individuals experience increased rates of chronic physical and mental health conditions. They also experience difficulty accessing care and poor health outcomes compounded by social and economic factors, such as housing insecurity, unemployment, and limited social support. The purpose of this study was to describe the perceptions of homeless individuals related to their health and experiences accessing care. Method: Qualitative descriptive methods and content analysis were used to gather, analyze, and interpret the data and identify themes. Results: Three themes were identified: men who are homeless experience bias throughout their health care and interpersonal relationships, the best care is person-centered and considers patients' priorities, and care coordination resources are inadequate. Discussion: The housing needs of homeless individuals are best contextualized by their health and social needs. In addition, their priorities must be taken into consideration to develop culturally congruent services that are appropriate and effective care for this population.
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focus group analysis, community health, health disparities, homeless individuals, access to care, care delivery
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