Different Height Stairs Climbing Pattern Generation for Humanoids.


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Climbing stairs has been an indispensable ability for humanoids. This paper presents a novel and practical problem: climbing stairs of varying heights. In this study, the humanoid is modeled as an inverted pendulum and set the pelvis trajectory on the vertical axis, representing the center of mass (CoM), as a quadratic function. We also use a polynomial to design the ZMP and CoM trajectory on the horizontal plane. To generate the CoM trajectory, the sliding mode controller is utilized to track the reference trajectory. To eliminate chattering of the sliding mode controller, the universal approximation property of the radial basis function (RBF) network is leveraged to approximate the switching law. Finally, simulation experiments are performed in CoppeliaSim, and the biped robot is capable of walking stably and quickly.
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Key words
climbing stairs,different height stairs,humanoid,indispensable ability,inverted pendulum,pattern generation,pelvis trajectory,quadratic function,radial basis function network,reference trajectory,sliding mode controller,varying heights
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