
Comfort Research of Piggyback Transfer Robot Based on sEMG Evaluation Model

2024 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA)(2024)

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In order to efficiently explore the correlation between the motion pose of the piggyback transfer robot and human comfort, we study the variables that play a key role in the care process of the robot's piggyback motion trajectory, explore the relationship between the human-robot contact force, the human back muscle activity and human comfort. Finally, we construct the mapping model. The specific research content is as follows: first, the basic trajectory of the piggyback motion is constructed based on the kinematic model of the piggyback transfer robot. On this basis, we study the influence of chest holder’s horizontal motion, vertical motion and rotation angle on the human-robot contact force and the activity of human back muscles, and obtain that the rotation angle is the main factor affecting the force state and muscle activity of the human body. Then, we use the math relationship between the surface electromyographic signal and the activity of human back muscles, construct the sample set of experimental data for the robot piggyback motion with the angle as a variable, and obtain the conclusion that the muscle activity of the human body and the human-robot contact force can measure the comfort of the human body. Finally, a mapping model of dimensionless human-robot contact force (axillary force, chest force) and human latissimus dorsi muscle activation is established by Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), which provides a basis for the objective evaluation of the human-robot interaction comfort.
Piggyback transfer robot,Comfort research,Surface electromyographic,Extreme learning machine
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