
Modelling DSA, FAST and CRAFT surveys in a z-DM analysis and constraining a minimum FRB energy

Jordan Hoffmann,Clancy W. James,Marcin Glowacki,Jason X. Prochaska,Alexa C. Gordon, Adam T. Deller,Ryan M. Shannon, Stuart D. Ryder


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Fast radio burst (FRB) science primarily revolves around two facets: the origin of these bursts and their use in cosmological studies. This work follows from previous redshift-dispersion measure ($z$-DM) analyses in which we model instrumental biases and simultaneously fit population parameters and cosmological parameters to the observed population of FRBs. This sheds light on both the progenitors of FRBs and cosmological questions. Previously, we have completed similar analyses with data from the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) and the Murriyang (Parkes) Multibeam system. With this manuscript, we additionally incorporate data from the Deep Synoptic Array (DSA) and the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), invoke a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler and implement uncertainty in the Galactic DM contributions. The latter leads to larger uncertainties in derived model parameters than previous estimates despite the additional data. We provide refined constraints on FRB population parameters and derive a new constraint on the minimum FRB energy of log$\,E_{\mathrm{min}}$(erg)=39.49$^{+0.39}_{-1.48}$ which is significantly higher than bursts detected from strong repeaters. This result may indicate a low-energy turnover in the luminosity function or may suggest that strong repeaters have a different luminosity function to single bursts. We also predict that FAST will detect 25-41% of their FRBs at $z \gtrsim 2$ and DSA will detect 2-12% of their FRBs at $z \gtrsim 1$.
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