An Improved Design Method Based on a Multi-Plate Coupler Structure for Capacitive Power Transfer With Wide Ranges of Misalignment and Loads

Xuan Wei,Xiangwei Shen, Jianxin Jiang,Shiying Luo, Yuchuan Zhu,Hao Ma

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics(2024)

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Misalignment and load variations are common in wireless power transfer. This work explores a capacitive power transfer (CPT) approach to reduce geometric sensitivity and maintain consistent output power. A multi-plate capacitive coupler structure is proposed in this work. A six-plate version can decrease mutual coupling variations to enhance misalignment tolerance. An improved parameter design method is proposed to enhance load adaptation and misalignment tolerance by combining resistance compression networks and double-sided LC compensation. The proposed coupler primarily reduces power variations caused by misalignment. The parameter design method based on resistance compression networks addresses power variation with load. A 2.0 kW CPT prototype has been prepared with a 60 mm air-gap distance and 610×610 mm 2 outside coupler plates to verify performance. The proposed system achieves 10% power variation across a 0-100 mm misalignment and 20-100 Ω load range.
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Capacitive power transfer,capacitive coupling,constant output power,misalignment tolerance,wide load range
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