
Mechanism of Principal Stress Rotation and Deformation Failure Behavior Induced by Excavation in Roadways

Jianping Zuo,Zongyu Ma,Chengyi Xu, Shuaifei Zhan, Haiyan Liu

Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(2024)

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The failure modes of rock after roadway excavation are diverse and complex. A comprehensive investigation of the internal stress field and the rotation behavior of the stress axis in roadways is essential for elucidating the mechanism of roadway failure. This study aimed to examine the spatial relationship between roadways and stress fields. The law of stress axis rotation under three-dimensional (3D) stress has been extensively studied. A stress model of roadways in the spatial stress field was established, and the far-field stress state at different spatial positions of the roadways was analyzed. A mechanical model of roadways under a 3D stress state was established using far-field stress solutions as boundary conditions. The distribution of principal stresses σ1, σ2 and σ3 around the roadways and the variation of the stress principal axis were solved. It was found that the stability boundary of the stress principal axis exhibits hysteresis when compared with that of the principal stress magnitudes. A numerical analysis model for spatial roadways was established to validate the distribution of principal stress and the mechanism of principal axis rotation. Research has demonstrated that the stress axis undergoes varying degrees of spatial rotation in different orientations and radial depths. Based on the distribution of principal stress and the rotation law of the stress principal axis, the entire evolution mechanism of the two stress adjustments to form the final failure form after roadway excavation has been revealed. The on-site detection results also corroborate the findings presented in this paper. The results provide a basis for the analysis of the failure mechanism under a 3D stress state.
Roadway stress field,Principal stress rotation,Roadway failure mechanism,Failure characteristics
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