Submersible voltammetric sensing probe for rapid and extended remote monitoring of opioids in community water systems

Jiachi Zhou,Shichao Ding,Samar S. Sandhu,An-Yi Chang, Anubhap Taechamahaphan, Shipra Gudekar, Joseph Wang

Microchimica Acta(2024)

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The intensifying global opioid crisis, majorly attributed to fentanyl (FT) and its analogs, has necessitated the development of rapid and ultrasensitive remote/on-site FT sensing modalities. However, current approaches for tracking FT exposure through wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) are unadaptable, time-consuming, and require trained professionals. Toward developing an extended in situ wastewater opioid monitoring system, we have developed a screen-printed electrochemical FT sensor and integrated it with a customized submersible remote sensing probe. The sensor composition and design have been optimized to address the challenges for extended in situ FT monitoring. Specifically, ZIF-8 metal–organic framework (MOF)-derived mesoporous carbon (MPC) nanoparticles (NPs) are incorporated in the screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) transducer to improve FT accumulation and its electrocatalytic oxidation. A rapid (10 s) and sensitive square wave voltammetric (SWV) FT detection down to 9.9 µgL−1 is thus achieved in aqueous buffer solution. A protective mixed-matrix membrane (MMM) has been optimized as the anti-fouling sensor coating to mitigate electrode passivation by FT oxidation products and enable long-term, intermittent FT monitoring. The unique MMM, comprising an insulating polyvinyl chloride (PVC) matrix and carboxyl-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT-COOH) as semiconductive fillers, yielded highly stable FT sensor operation (> 95
Opioids,Wastewater-based epidemiology,Submersible probes,Fentanyl,Remote sensing,Electrochemical sensors,Square wave voltammetry
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