Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to Optimize the Safety Distance of Workers in Construction Projects

Eric Forcael, Ibzan Carriel, Alexander Opazo-Vega, Francisco Moreno, Francisco Orozco, Rubén Romo,Duzgun Agdas


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This paper presents the results of a simulation model regarding the productivity and safety working space for construction workers through the floors of a building using swarm intelligence (SI), a field of artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically using artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization. After designing the algorithm used to build the simulation model, the simulation was used in an actual building project by comparing the travel times of workers conventionally transporting material with another group working on routes optimized by the algorithm. Thus, the proposed algorithm provides routes combining shorter travel times and correct distances between workers when transporting materials in a construction site, handling the interference between crews. After validating the algorithm on-site, no statistically significant differences were found between the travel times of workers and the times delivered by the algorithm. Additionally, the travel times using the routes obtained through the algorithm were significantly lower than those made by workers who moved freely without a predefined route. In summary, the algorithm proposed may help construction practitioners maintain safe movements that respond to hazard contexts imposed by any restriction that demands a safety distance.
artificial bee colony,swarm intelligence,route optimization,safety distance,hazard analysis,buildings
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