UBI Journey: A Mobile Game to Promote Student Socialization and Engagement in Universities

João Santos,Bruno Silva, Helena Alves, Ernesto Filgueiras

2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)(2024)

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University life is a significant phase in students' journey, full of challenges and potential for personal and academic growth. Social interaction and integration into the educational institution play crucial roles in shaping an enriching experience. It is well known that these experiences can positively/negatively influence students' academic performance and emotional well-being. In today's world, games and social networks have experienced significant diffusion among young people, substantially reconfiguring the way they relate to and connect with the world around them. These technologies have proven to be effective as tools to promote socialization and exploration among users, providing more informal and dynamic interactions while stimulating the exploration of various places and content. Hence, this Paper presents a mobile game, titled UBI Journey, with the purpose of enhancing the university experience of students. The project aims to promote socialization among students, exploring both the resources of the institution, University of Beira Interior, and the characteristics of the city of Covilhã, Portugal. The dissertation presents a detailed analysis of the benefits of UBI Journey, highlighting how social integration and exploration are key elements to enrich the student experience. The work also discusses the practical construction of the game, exploring technical and design aspects, as well as different approaches and tools used for its implementation. In conclusion, the research aims to contribute a gamification-based model that can be applied in universities or other teaching institutions, aiming to improve student integration and socialization.
Mobile game,Game development,Exploration,Socialization,University experience,Integration,Educational technology,Gamification,Geofencing,Augmented reality,UBI,Covilhã
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