The short-term effects of Jin's three needles in conjunction with mirror therapy on brain function in patients with upper limb disability following an ischemic stroke were evaluated using ReHo analysis.

Yunqiu Yang, Zhen Wang,Qingmao Hu,Xiaojing Long, Guorui Ma,Shaoyang Cui, Mingzhu Xu,Chunzhi Tang, Chen Yang


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BACKGROUND:Jin's three needle (JTN) is a commonly utilized treatment for ischemic stroke in China. Mirror therapy (MT) is also gradually transitioning from treating limb discomfort to restoring motor function in the damaged limb. Investigations into the 2 treatments' mechanisms of action are still ongoing. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique in this study to examine the effects of JTN combined with mirror therapy MT on brain function in patients with upper limb dysfunction in ischemic stroke, as well as potential central mechanisms. The goal was to provide a solid evidence-based medical basis to support the continued use of JTN combination MT. METHODS:This study will be a single-blind, randomized, and controlled experiment. Randomization was used to assign 20 patients who met the study's eligibility requirements to the JTN + MT treatment group or the JTN control group. Each intervention will last for 4 weeks, with 6 days of treatment per week. The JTN acupuncture points are 3 temporal acupuncture points on the opposite side of the wounded limb, 3 hand acupuncture points on the injured upper limb, 3 shoulder acupuncture points, Renzhong and Baihui, The (JTN + MT) group simultaneously takes MT for 30 minutes. fMRI of the brain using BOLD and T1-weighted images was done both before and after therapy. Brain areas exhibiting changes in regional homogeneity during the pre and posttreatment periods were analyzed. RESULTS:By the end of the treatment course, Jin three-needle therapy plus MT activated more relevant brain functional regions and increased cerebral blood oxygen perfusion than Jin three-needle therapy alone (P <.05). CONCLUSION:In patients with upper limb impairment following an ischemic stroke, JTN with MT may improve brain function reconstruction in the relevant areas.
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