Comparison of The Active Circulating Current Injection Modulation in Current-fed and Voltage-fed Resonant Converter

Jinghao Zheng,Junfeng Liu,Renjun Hu, Ningrui Yang, Yue Li,Jun Zeng, Zhixing Yan

2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia)(2024)

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Research on the soft-switching technology can be an important issue for continuously higher switching frequency in DC/DC converter. Instead of conventionally achieving zero-voltage switching by utilizing magnetizing current, the active circulating current injection method demonstrates significant efficiency improvements in current-fed resonant converter. This prompts the consideration of whether this method can be extended to voltage-fed resonant converters. Therefore, this paper aims to address this inquiry and analyze the differences between these two configurations, and a comparative experimental study is conducted to answer the question.
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DC-DC Converters,Resonant Converter,Modulation,Soft-switching
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