
New Custom Rating for Improving Recommendation System Performance

Journal of Big Data(2024)

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Recommendation system is currently attracting the interest of many explorers. Various new businesses have surfaced with the rise of online marketing (E-Commerce) in response to Covid-19 pandemic. This phenomenon allows recommendation items through a system called Collaborative Filtering (CF), aiming to improve shopping experience of users. Typically, the effectiveness of CF relies on the precise identification of similar profile users by similarity algorithms. Traditional similarity measures are based on the user-item rating matrix. Approximately, four custom ratings (CR) were used along with a new rating formula, termed New Custom Rating (NCR), derived from the popularity of users and items in addition to the original rating. Specifically, NCR optimized recommendation system performance by using the popularity of users and items to determine new ratings value, rather than solely relying on the original rating. Additionally, the formulas improved the representativeness of the new rating values and the accuracy of similarity algorithm calculations. Consequently, the increased accuracy of recommendation system was achieved. The implementation of NCR across four CR algorithms and recommendation system using five public datasets was examined. Consequently, the experimental results showed that NCR significantly increased recommendation system accuracy, as evidenced by reductions in RMSE, MSE, and MAE as well as increasing FCP and Hit Rate. Moreover, by combining the popularity of users and items into rating calculations, NCR improved the accuracy of various recommendation system algorithms reducing RMSE, MSE, and MAE up to 62.10
Recommendation system,Collaborative filtering,New rating formula,E-commerce
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