Backdoor Attack in Prompt-Based Continual Learning

Trang Nguyen,Anh Tran,Nhat Ho


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Prompt-based approaches offer a cutting-edge solution to data privacy issues in continual learning, particularly in scenarios involving multiple data suppliers where long-term storage of private user data is prohibited. Despite delivering state-of-the-art performance, its impressive remembering capability can become a double-edged sword, raising security concerns as it might inadvertently retain poisoned knowledge injected during learning from private user data. Following this insight, in this paper, we expose continual learning to a potential threat: backdoor attack, which drives the model to follow a desired adversarial target whenever a specific trigger is present while still performing normally on clean samples. We highlight three critical challenges in executing backdoor attacks on incremental learners and propose corresponding solutions: (1) Transferability: We employ a surrogate dataset and manipulate prompt selection to transfer backdoor knowledge to data from other suppliers; (2) Resiliency: We simulate static and dynamic states of the victim to ensure the backdoor trigger remains robust during intense incremental learning processes; and (3) Authenticity: We apply binary cross-entropy loss as an anti-cheating factor to prevent the backdoor trigger from devolving into adversarial noise. Extensive experiments across various benchmark datasets and continual learners validate our continual backdoor framework, achieving up to 100% attack success rate, with further ablation studies confirming our contributions' effectiveness.
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