Topological phases, van Hove singularities, and spin texture in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene in the presence of proximity-induced spin-orbit couplings

Yuting Tan, Yang-Zhi Chou,Fengcheng Wu,Sankar Das Sarma


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We investigate magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) with proximity-induced Ising and Rashba spin-orbit couplings (SOC) in the top layer, as recently achieved experimentally. Utilizing the Bistritzer-MacDonald model with SOCs, we reveal a rich single-particle topological phase diagram featuring topological flat bands across different twist angles and interlayer hopping energies. The evolution of Dirac cones and Chern numbers is examined to understand the topological phase transitions. We find that all phases can be achieved with an experimentally accessible SOC strength (∼1 meV) in systems with angles very close to the magic angle. Furthermore, the van Hove singularity for each topological flat band splits in the presence of SOC, significantly altering the electronic properties. Additionally, we investigate the spin textures of each band in momentum space, discovering a skyrmion-like spin texture in the center of the moiré Brillouin zone, which is correlated with the topological phase transitions and can be tuned via the SOCs and an out-of-plane electric field. Our findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the topological flat bands, establishing a foundation for grasping the intrinsic and rich roles of SOCs in MATBG.
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