Structural and mechanistic basis for nucleosomal H2AK119 deubiquitination by single-subunit deubiquitinase USP16.

Huasong Ai, Zaozhen He, Zhiheng Deng, Guo-Chao Chu, Qiang Shi, Zebin Tong,Jia-Bin Li,Man Pan,Lei Liu

Nature structural & molecular biology(2024)

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Epigenetic regulators have a crucial effect on gene expression based on their manipulation of histone modifications. Histone H2AK119 monoubiquitination (H2AK119Ub), a well-established hallmark in transcription repression, is dynamically regulated by the opposing activities of Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) and nucleosome deubiquitinases including the primary human USP16 and Polycomb repressive deubiquitinase (PR-DUB) complex. Recently, the catalytic mechanism for the multi-subunit PR-DUB complex has been described, but how the single-subunit USP16 recognizes the H2AK119Ub nucleosome and cleaves the ubiquitin (Ub) remains unknown. Here we report the cryo-EM structure of USP16-H2AK119Ub nucleosome complex, which unveils a fundamentally distinct mode of H2AK119Ub deubiquitination compared to PR-DUB, encompassing the nucleosome recognition pattern independent of the H2A-H2B acidic patch and the conformational heterogeneity in the Ub motif and the histone H2A C-terminal tail. Our work highlights the mechanism diversity of H2AK119Ub deubiquitination and provides a structural framework for understanding the disease-causing mutations of USP16.
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