Methodologies for Device Characterization in Cryogenic Temperatures.

Noam Roknian,Yonatan Shoshan,Inbal Stanger, Menachem Goldzweig, Yoav Weizmann, Adam Teman,Edoardo Charbon,Alexander Fish

Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics(2024)

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Cryogenic operation of cutting-edge applications creates opportunities for conducting further optimization beyond conventional technology scaling. Optimal design in cryogenic environments requires extensive characterization efforts, made possible by implementing various characterization methodologies tailored for different devices and aspects of VLSI design. This paper explores cryogenic characterization methodologies and the impact of robust measurement infrastructure. Transistor and standard cell characterization methodologies are discussed thoroughly with great emphasis on the unique properties of each method. Since reliable cryogenic measurement environments are crucial for achieving high quality results, two types of measurement infrastructures are shown: dipstick and cryogenic chamber. Although both implementations allow for cryogenic measurements across wide temperature range, choosing the right configuration relies on a trade-off between system complexity and result quality.
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Cryogenic Temperatures,Characterization,Methodology,Measurements,Dipstick,Cryogenic Chamber
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