Embodied Intelligence in Mining: Leveraging Multi-modal Large Language Model for Autonomous Driving in Mines

Luxi Li, Yuchen Li, Xiaotong Zhang, Yuhang He,Jianjian Yang, Bin Tian,Yunfeng Ai, Lingxi Li, Andreas Nüchter, Zhe Xuanyuan

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles(2024)

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With computer technology advancing in both software and hardware, the benefits of embodied intelligence are becoming increasingly evident. This robust interactive learning model enables artificial intelligence (AI) to be more flexibly deployed across diverse fields. In recent years, the development of multi-modal large language models (LLMs) has further accelerated the progress of AI, prompting extensive research on how to leverage these advancements to enhance the field of autonomous driving. This perspective believes that embodied intelligence can significantly enhance the application of LLMs, analyzing the new opportunities brought to the mining industry, and emphasizing the potential of their integration to revolutionize various aspects of the field. Meanwhile, This perspective also examines the challenges of deploying embodied agents in mining, while emphasizing their promising future and offering insights into potential research and development avenues.
Embodied intelligence,large language model,intelligent mining
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