Against all odds: transition of extremely low birth- weight (elbw) infants from adolescence to young adult- hood (ya)

B. Stoskopf,J. Pinelli, L. Hoult, M. Boyle, D. Streiner, N. Paneth, P. Gressens, A. Binet, C. Andres, S. Chalon, E. Saliba, S. Cantagrel, A. Castellheim, T. E. Mollnes, O. D. Saugstad, L. Gemmellaro, C. Bettiga, A. Ruscitto,G. Zuccotti, M. Giovannini


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AGAINST ALL ODDS: TRANSITION OF EXTREMELY LOW BIRTHWEIGHT (ELBW) INFANTS FROM ADOLESCENCE TO YOUNG ADULTHOOD (YA) S SAIGAL, B STOSKOPF, J PINELLI, L HOULT, M BOYLE, D STREINER, N PANETH MCMASTER UNIVERSITY, PEDIATRICS, HAMILTON (CANADA), MCMASTER UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF NURSING, HAMILTON (CANADA), MCMASTER UNIVERSITY, PSYCHIATRY & BEAHVIOURAL NEUROSCIENCES, HAMILTON (CANADA), UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, PSYCHIATRY,TORONTO, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, EAST LANSING (USA) Background: Traditionally, educational attainment, getting a job, living independently and getting married / parenthood have been considered as ’markers’ of successful transition to adulthood. Objective: To describe and compare the achievement and age of attainment of the above markers of adulthood between ELBW and NEW YA. Design/Methods: Prospective longitudinal study. Participants: Population-based cohort of 166 ELBW survivors, 501-1000g BW (1977–82 births) and 145 sociodemographically matched NBW reference group. Information was obtained through well-validated questionnaires. Results: At YA 149/166 (90%) ELBW and 133/145 (92%) NBW completed the assessments at a mean age of 23.3 (SD 1.2) years. Data presented are inclusive of YA with neurosensory impairments (ELBW 27%; NBW 2%). In terms of educational attainment, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups:24% of ELBW and 25% of NBW completed high school education; 5% of ELBW and 14% of NBW had completed university education. One-third of both groups are still pursuing post-secondary education (32% vs 33%). Approximately half of both cohorts had permanent employment (ELBW 47%; NBW 52%). There were no differences in job status or in mean annual income. There were no differences in the proportion who had left the parental home (ELBW 42%; NBW 53k%; NS); however, 2.7% of ELBW vs none of NBW were living in group homes. A similar proportion were married/cohabiting (21% vs 23%), or were parents (11% vs 14%). The age of attainment of the above markers was similar for both cohorts. Conclusions: It appears that against all odds, a significant majority of ELBW have overcome their earlier difficulties to become functional YAs in terms of educational attainment, employment and independent living. Our findings support the concept of ’resilience’.
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