Unlocking the Global Synergies in Low-Rank Adapters


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Low-rank Adaption (LoRA) has been the de-facto parameter-efficient fine-tuning technique for large language models. We present HeteroLoRA, a light-weight search algorithm that leverages zero-cost proxies to allocate the limited LoRA trainable parameters across the model for better fine-tuned performance. In addition to the allocation for the standard LoRA-adapted models, we also demonstrate the efficacy of HeteroLoRA by performing the allocation in a more challenging search space that includes LoRA modules and LoRA-adapted shortcut connections. Experiments show that HeteroLoRA enables improvements in model performance given the same parameter budge. For example, on MRPC, we see an improvement of 1.6 parameter budget. We will open-source our algorithm once the paper is accepted.
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