Associations between Computationally Derived Parent Emotional Sentiment Scores and Child ADHD and ODD Over Time

Katharine Selah,Hanna C. Gustafsson,Hannah E. Morton, Zachary Sims,Tara Peris, Sarah L. Karalunas,Joel T. Nigg

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology(2024)

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Family emotional climate is often assessed as expressed emotion (EE) using the five-minute speech sample (FMSS). Parent EE is related to child externalizing behavior, but the relationship with ADHD apart from externalizing is unclear. We report the largest ADHD-non-ADHD study of EE to date, introduce computational scoring of the FMSS to assay parent negative sentiment, and use this to evaluate reciprocal parent-child effects over time in ADHD while considering comorbid ODD. Parents of 810 children (nADHD = 509), aged 7–13 years old, completed the FMSS at three points. The FMSS was expert-coded for EE-Criticism at Time 1 and Time 2, negative sentiment was scored at all three time points. Sentiment and EE-Criticism were moderately correlated (r =.39, p <.001, 95 • This study is the largest to date to examine the relationship of expert-coded EE-Criticism with ADHD while controlling for ODD. • Cross sectionally, ADHD is associated with EE-Criticism independently of ODD. • Longitudinally, ADHD and EE-Criticism are not related apart from ODD. • Computer generated negative Sentiment scores based on transcripts of the Five-Minute Speech Sample is also related to ADHD and ODD at similar magnitude as EE-Criticism. • showed a significant predictive relationship with ODD symptom change in younger children but not in older children. • The negative Sentiment score was related to ADHD for fathers but not mothers. • Sentiment scores are a potentially useful addition to the tools available to measure parental implicit representation of their child.
Expressed emotion,FMSS,ADHD,Natural language processing
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