RGB-D Video Object Segmentation via Enhanced Multi-store Feature Memory.

International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval(2024)

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The RGB-Depth (RGB-D) Video Object Segmentation (VOS) aims to integrate the fine-grained texture information of RGB with the spatial geometric clues of depth modality, boosting the performance of segmentation. However, off-the-shelf RGB-D segmentation methods fail to fully explore cross-modal information and suffer from object drift during long-term prediction. In this paper, we propose a novel RGB-D VOS method via multi-store feature memory for robust segmentation. Specifically, we design the hierarchical modality selection and fusion, which adaptively combines features from both modalities. Additionally, we develop a segmentation refinement module that effectively utilizes the Segmentation Anything Model (SAM) to refine the segmentation mask, ensuring more reliable results as memory to guide subsequent segmentation tasks. By leveraging spatio-temporal embedding and modality embedding, mixed prompts and fused images are fed into SAM to unleash its potential in RGB-D VOS. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the latest RGB-D VOS benchmark.
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