Case report: management of a young male patient with diabetic ketoacidosis and thyroid storm.

Xiaoyu Huang,Yan Chen, Xinwei Huang, Jiahao Tang

Frontiers in endocrinology(2024)

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This report describes a case of concomitant diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and thyroid storm (TS) in a 20-year-old male patient that presented both diagnostic and management challenges owing to their intricate interrelationship in endocrine-metabolic disorders. The patient, previously diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and hyperthyroidism, was admitted to the emergency department with symptoms of DKA and progressive exacerbation of TS. Initial treatment focused on correcting DKA; as the disease progressed to TS, it was promptly recognized and treated. This case emphasizes the rarity of simultaneous occurrence of DKA and TS, as well as the challenges in clinical diagnosis posed by the interacting pathophysiological processes and overlapping clinical manifestations of DKA and TS. The patient's treatment process involved multiple disciplines, and after treatment, the patient's critical condition of both endocrine metabolic diseases was alleviated, after which he recovered and was eventually discharged from the hospital. This case report aims to emphasize the need for heightened awareness in patients with complex clinical presentations, stress the possibility of concurrent complications, and underscore the importance of prompt and collaborative treatment strategies.
diabetic ketoacidosis,thyroid storm,recurrent diabetic ketoacidosis,autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome,case report
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