Advancements in small interfering RNAs therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: promising results and future perspectives

Molecular Biology Reports(2024)

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Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common type of cancer among children, presenting significant healthcare challenges for some patients, including drug resistance and the need for targeted therapies. SiRNA-based therapy is one potential solution, but problems can arise in administration and the need for a delivery system to protect siRNA during intravenous injection. Additionally, siRNA encounters instability and degradation in the reticuloendothelial system, off-target effects, and potential immune system stimulation. Despite these limitations, some promising results about siRNA therapy in ALL patients have been published in recent years, showing the potential for more effective and precise treatment, reduced side effects, and personalized approaches. While siRNA-based therapies demonstrate safety and efficacy, addressing the mentioned limitations is crucial for further optimization. Advancements in siRNA-delivery technologies and combination therapies hold promise to improve treatment effectiveness and overcome drug resistance. Ultimately, despite its challenges, siRNA therapy has the potential to revolutionize ALL treatments and improve patient outcomes.
siRNA,Small interfering RNA,Non-coding RNA,Leukemia,ALL,Drug resistance
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