Modelling the evaporative cooling effect from methanol injection in the intake of internal combustion engines


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Renewable methanol is one of the most promising alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. However, its much higher latent heat of vaporization compared to traditional fossil-based hydrocarbon fuels poses new challenges. On both spark-ignition (SI) engines and dual-fuel (DF) engines, methanol can be introduced through injectors installed in the intake path, with its evaporation then causing a cooling effect to the intake air flow. While this is beneficial in mitigating knock with both SI and DF operations, it could potentially lead to cold-starting issues in SI engines and incomplete combustion in DF engines. To properly model the in-cylinder behaviour, the mixture temperature after methanol injection needs to be accurately predicted. A simple yet effective methanol evaporation model based on the liquid droplet and film evaporation mechanisms is thus proposed here to quantify the evaporative cooling effect from methanol injection. The model first treats the methanol spray as a group of droplets with identical size, and after reaching the wall the model assumes that the remaining methanol forms a thin liquid film. The evaporation rates and the consequent temperature drops of these two modes are calculated separately. The calculation results indicate that only a negligible amount of methanol evaporates as droplets, with the predicted temperature drops agreeing well with the validation datasets when taking only the film evaporation into account. The key factor for this good agreement is that the balance between the heat and mass transfer needs to considered when evaluating the surface temperature of a liquid methanol film. The proposed model also suggests that the droplet evaporation can be greatly improved with an injection angle nearly parallel to the air flow, or a finer initial droplet size. Both measures are more effective than increasing the air temperature before injection.
Modelling,Methanol,Internal combustion engines,Port fuel injection,Evaporative cooling,Mass transfer
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