Clinical Significance of Diplopia and the Orthoptic Examination in Zygomatic Maxillary Complex Fractures.

Enrico Nastro Siniscalchi,Giorgio Lo Giudice,Alessandro Calvo, Raffaele Marino,Paola Bonavolontà, Giovanni Dell'Aversana Orabona, Antonella Squillacioti, Luciano Maria Catalfamo

The Journal of craniofacial surgery(2024)

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Literature describes variable rates of diplopia of associated with zygomatic maxillary complex (ZMC) fractures (6% to 40%). The aim of this study was to retrospectively assess the prevalence of diplopia in ZMC fracture patients, the usefulness of the orthoptic evaluation compared with the clinical finger-tracking examination, and to seek possible relations of this symptom with clinical parameters. Data of patients attending the Maxillofacial Surgery Units of the University of Messina and University of Naples "Federico II", between January 2012 and December 2022 were retrieved. Statistical analysis of positive versus negative diplopia at both the clinical examination and the orthoptic evaluation and subgroup analysis were performed. 320 patients were included in the analysis. 50 (15.6%) patients reported diplopia at the clinical examination, whereas 70 (21.9%) resulted positive at the orthoptic evaluation. Statistical analysis for every determinant and subgroup did not show statistical significance (P>0.05). Performing routine preoperative orthoptic evaluation allowed an increase of 6.3% in positive reports. Although it seems that no basic clinical parameter can predict diplopia, results suggest that the orthoptic evaluation is superior in the assessment of this symptom. Clinical analysis was shown to be a moderate/low efficient test and should not be used as a decisional standard.
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