Optimization Scheduling Strategy Considering Polycrystalline Silicon Production Process under Combined Demand Response

Yuduo Xiao,Siyang Liao,Lingfang Li,Jiaquan Yang, Xuehao He, Junyu Liang

2024 6th Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium (AEEES)(2024)

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In order to fully mobilize the participation motivation of polysilicon loads whose adjustable potential is closely related to production processes, a combined demand response scheduling method considering both price-based and incentive-based strategies is proposed. This method aims to enhance the flexibility of the power grid, ensure the safe, stable and economical operation of the power system, and promote the consumption of renewable energy. The State-Task Network (STN) method is adopted to model the coupling relationships between materials, and equipments in different stages of polysilicon production, which both considering the adjustable capacity and production safety of the companies. A combined demand response strategy is formulated, to further stimulate the participation motivation of the companies in grid scheduling beyond a single response mode. Simulation results validate that the proposed method can effectively exploit the adjustable potential of the companies in grid scheduling while ensuring their production safety.
polysilicon,production process constraints,State-Task Network,price-based demand response,incentive-based demand response
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