A Multicriteria Aware Multipath Routing Method to Increase the QoS for Future 6G Networks

Valmik Tilwari, Debashree Sharma,Sourabh Solanki,Nilotpal Chakraborty, MWP Maduranga

2024 IEEE 13th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT)(2024)

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The optimal solution of creating a communications network in isolated places is still a challenging task. Establishing end-to-end connectivity via mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) is a better solution for the above issue. However, the limitation of the mobility of nodes and battery resources between the overlay and mobile ad-hoc network protocols is still a challenge for trustable wireless connections. Therefore, this paper presented a routing scheme named Mobility and Energy consumption aware multipath routing (MEMR) in mobile ad-hoc networks. The proposed routing scheme provides reliable communication with stable route and high lifetime routes to support efficient data transmission in the network. For this purpose, it uses a multicriteria decision-making approach to select the intermediate nodes with the highest energy and lowest mobility for selecting the optimal route. The obtained results indicate that the proposed routing method can significantly improve the overall network performance and deliver packets with acceptable throughput. At the same time, it reduces the energy consumption of the nodes compared with the conventional MP-OLSRv2 routing protocol.
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