Optimizing vancomycin dosing in pediatrics: a machine learning approach to predict trough concentrations in children under four years of age

Minghui Yin, Yuelian Jiang,Yawen Yuan, Chensuizi Li, Qian Gao, Hui Lu,Zhiling Li

International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy(2024)

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Vancomycin trough concentration is closely associated with clinical efficacy and toxicity. Predicting vancomycin trough concentrations in pediatric patients is challenging due to significant inter-individual variability and rapid physiological changes during maturation. This study aimed to develop a machine learning model to predict vancomycin trough concentrations and determine optimal dosing regimens for pediatric patients < 4 years of age using ML algorithms. A single-center retrospective observational study was conducted from January 2017 to March 2020. Pediatric patients who received intravenous vancomycin and underwent therapeutic drug monitoring were enrolled. Seven ML models [linear regression, gradient boosted decision trees, support vector machine, decision tree, random forest, Bagging, and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost)] were developed using 31 variables. Performance metrics including R-squared (R2), mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) were compared, and important features were ranked. The study included 120 eligible trough concentration measurements from 112 patients. Of these, 84 measurements were used for training and 36 for testing. Among the seven algorithms tested, XGBoost showed the best performance, with a low prediction error and high goodness of fit (MAE = 2.55, RMSE = 4.13, MSE = 17.12, and R2 = 0.59). Blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, and creatinine clearance rate were identified as the most important predictors of vancomycin trough concentration. An XGBoost ML model was developed to predict vancomycin trough concentrations and aid in drug treatment predictions as a decision-support technology.
Machine learning,Pediatric patients,Prediction,Trough concentration,Vancomycin,XGBoost
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