Device-Aware Diagnosis for Yield Learning in RRAMs.

Design, Automation, and Test in Europe(2024)

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Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMs) are now undergoing commercialization, with substantial investment from many semiconductor companies. However, due to the immature manufacturing process, RRAMs are prone to exhibit unique defects, which should be efficiently identified for high-volume production. Hence, obtaining diagnostic solutions for RRAMs is necessary to facilitate yield learning, and improve RRAM quality. Recently, the Device-Aware Test (DAT) approach has been proposed as an effective method to detect unique defects in RRAMs. However, the DAT focuses more on developing defect models to aid production testing but does not focus on the distinctive features of defects to diagnose different defects. This paper proposes a Device-Aware Diagnosis method; it is based on the DAT approach, which is extended for diagnosis. The method aims to efficiently distinguish unique defects and conventional defects based on their features. To achieve this, we first define distinctive features of each defect based on physical analysis and characterizations. Then, we develop efficient diagnosis algorithms to extract electrical features and fault signatures for them. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the developed method to reliably diagnose all targeted defects.
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Key words
RRAM,defects,device-aware diagnosis,test
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