Stealthy attack on graph recommendation system

Hao Ma,Min Gao, Feng Wei,Zongwei Wang, Feng Jiang,Zehua Zhao,Zhengyi Yang

Expert Systems with Applications(2024)

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The graph-based recommendation systems achieve significant success, yet they are accompanied by malicious attacks. In most scenes, attackers will inject crafted fake profiles into the recommendation system to boost the ranking of their target items in the recommendation lists. For an exploration of potential attacks hidden in real life, researchers have proposed various attacks with severe threats. However, current efforts in exploring attack strategies neglect the stealthiness aspect of the attack, i.e., the perturbation of recommendation performance after an attack can be quite noticeable, potentially alerting the defenders. To fill this research gap, this paper introduces a novel attack framework named InfoAtk, designed to conduct attacks while ensuring stealthiness. Specifically, given the dependency of precise recommendation predominantly on representations, the framework employs contrastive learning techniques to align representations before and after the attack, thereby augmenting stealthiness. Additionally, we optimize the representation of target items to outrank the last items in users’ recommendation lists, thereby promoting the visibility of the target item to increase the attack’s effectiveness. Extensive experiments on four public datasets validate the stealthiness and effectiveness of our proposed attack framework.
Recommendation systems,Robustness,Poisoning attack,Stealthiness
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