The art of establishing mineral tolerances of dogs and cats.

George C Fahey, Marcie Campion,George F Collings,Renan Donadelli, Leah Lambrakis, Matthew R Panasevich, J C Peters,James R Templeman, Leslie Hancock

Journal of animal science(2024)

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For over six decades, nutritional science has provided well-developed, peer-reviewed nutrient recommendations to support the health of dogs and cats. These guidelines are updated based on new scientifically valid research and appropriate peer-review. Recent regulatory and scientific positions around health issues have resulted in strong opinions and desires for rapid regulatory action surrounding mineral nutrition, but with limited and conflicting scientific evidence. Pet Food Institute nutrition experts have come together to jointly author an article on the complexities of establishing mineral tolerances of dogs and cats to illustrate the limitations in defining mineral tolerances. This discussion covers how mineral requirements were determined, including the opportunities and pitfalls encountered. Scientific councils must review and clarify any proposed changes in conducting mineral nutrition research that might impact complete and balanced foods and surrounding regulations. It is important to clarify the multiple issues in mineral nutrition research and the necessity for thorough evaluation of data while avoiding arbitrary and potentially harmful guidelines.
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