AI-based System for Circuit Fault Detection and Guidance

Muntaha Alharbi, Ghadeer Bakhedar, Basma Bajukhaif,Thangam Palaniswamy

2024 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT)(2024)

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With the increasing use of electronic circuits, the need for effective tools for circuit construction and debugging has become a must. However, beginners often encounter barriers stemming from the fear of damaging components and injury due to incorrect circuit construction. Unfortunately, misconnection issues occur due to the lack of tools and systems for fault detection and guidance during circuit construction. Existing work on circuit debugging and guidance methods is reviewed, highlighting the need for better solutions. A formative study involving interviews with teacher assistants and questionnaires for students and circuit designers reveals common issues related to circuits. The issues include wire misconnections, misconnecting VCC (Voltage Common Collector) and GND (ground), mixing polarities, and misplacing wires causing open/short circuits. These issues express the need for better tools to assist in circuit fault detection. The proposed solution, NODE, is an Artificial Intelligence-based system that detects circuit faults and provides guidance during circuit construction. NODE allows real-time collaboration, enabling remote teamwork. Moreover, the system bridges the gap between traditional and modern circuit design methods, enhancing efficiency and safety.
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Electronic Circuit,Artificial Intelligence,Debugging,Physical Computing,Smart Breadboard,Circuit Faults
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