Using Clustering for Customer Segmentation from Retail Data

Henrique José Wilbert, Aurélio Faustino Hoppe,Andreza Sartori, Stefano Frizzo Stefenon,Luís Augusto Silva, Valderi Reis Quietinho Leithardt


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While there are several ways to identify customer behaviors, few extract this value from information already in a database, much less extract relevant characteristics. This paper presents the development of a prototype using the recency, frequency, and monetary attributes for customer segmentation of a retail database. For this purpose, the standard K-means, K-medoids, and MiniBatch K-means were evaluated. The standard K-means clustering algorithm was more appropriate for data clustering than other algorithms as it remained stable until solutions with 6 clusters. The evaluation of the clusters’ quality was obtained through the internal validation indexes: Silhouette, Calinski Harabasz, and Davies Bouldin. Once consensus was not obtained, three external validation indexes were applied: global stability, stability per cluster, and segment-level stability across solutions. Six customer segments were obtained, identified by their unique behavior: Lost customers, disinterested customers, recent customers, less recent customers, loyal customers, and best customers. Their behavior was evidenced and analyzed, indicating trends and preferences.
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