Performance Evaluation of Nano TiO2/SBR Composite Modified Asphalt Emulsion and Its Micro-Surfacing Mixture

Zhenxiang Zhu,Liang Fan, Lin Wang, Yongzhen Li

Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering Hydraulic and Civil Engineering Technology VIII(2023)

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This paper investigated the preparation process and performance of nano-TiO2 and SBR composite modified emulsified asphalt, as well as its application in micro-surface treatment. The experiment results suggest that incorporating 2% nano-TiO2 into emulsified asphalt can improve its viscosity and high-temperature performance, decrease residue normal force, enhance construction characteristics, and boost bonding performance. This paper optimized and determined the dosage range of composite modified emulsified asphalt based on the MS-2 micro-surface treatment grade, and evaluated the cohesion, wet wheel wear and load wheel wear of the micro-surface. The findings indicate that the emulsified asphalt, which has been modified with composite materials, exhibits a rapid dewatering rate and high early strength of the mixture. This allows for an earlier opening of traffic without compromising the final strength or overall technical performance indicators compared to unmodified mixtures.
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