Figure S7 from Oxygen-Enhanced Optoacoustic Tomography Reveals the Effectiveness of Targeting Heme and Oxidative Phosphorylation at Normalizing Tumor Vascular Oxygenation


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Fig. S7. The effect of HSP2 on oxygenation of subcutaneous NSCLC A549-luc tumor xenografts after 3 weeks of treatment (same tumors as shown in Fig. S1). (A) Representative tumor images of spatial distribution of oxygen saturation [sO2 (O2)] after the oxygen challenge and the amplitude of signal change (Î"sO2) for each treatment group from breathing air to breathing 100% oxygen. The change in sO2 (Î"sO2) is calculated by subtracting the average tumor sO2 while breathing air from the average tumor sO2 while breathing oxygen. The sizes of the shown tumors were: Control: 111 mm3; HSP2: 51.9 mm3. (B & C) Quantification of sO2 (O2) and Î"sO2 for each treatment group. For statistical analysis, the levels in treated tumors were compared to the levels in control tumors with a Welch 2-sample t-test. ***, P < 0.001. Box is between 25th and 75th percentile, line at median.
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