Sintering of Mechanically Alloyed Powders

B. N. Sharath,R. Raghavendra Rao, K. S. Madhu,S. Pradeep

Advancements in Powder Metallurgy Advances in Chemical and Materials Engineering(2024)

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The process of sintering mechanically alloyed powders entails subjecting a powder mixture of diverse metals or alloys, which have undergone mechanical milling to elevated temperatures to produce a compacted mass. This procedure is employed to fabricate substances possessing distinctive mechanical, physical, and chemical characteristics. The process of mechanical alloying entails the milling of two or more metals or alloys together in a high-energy ball mill. The procedure yields a powder amalgamation that exhibits a uniform dispersion of its constituent elements, thereby engendering a microstructural morphology characterized by fine-grained features.
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