Mycoplasma bovis and the liminal journey of southern New Zealand farmers

Journal of Rural Studies(2024)

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This qualitative study explored the impact of the 2017 Mycoplasma bovis incursion and its management on farmers in southern New Zealand. Eighteen farmers and farming couples were interviewed about their experiences. Analysis of interview data evoked van Gennep's notion of liminality with its journey through distinct phases associated with ambiguity, confusion and uncertainty. Farmers described separation from usual farming practices during the incursion management process. The disruption to farming rhythms was characterised by long periods of waiting for test results, stand-down periods, and compensation claim outcomes. In emerging from the incursion, participants reflected on altered identities and relationships within rural communities and with the government, including greater awareness of biosecurity issues. The liminality of M. bovis was anchored upon the farm. However, the liminal space of M. bovis lingered long after the official exit of the farm from liminal status.
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Key words
Mycoplasma bovis,Liminality,Biosecurity,Farming practices,New Zealand
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