Supplementary Figure S4 from PIGA Mutations and Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchor Dysregulation in Polyposis-Associated Duodenal Tumorigenesis


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RNASeq WTS pipeline validation by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) and IHC A. Comparison of normalised RNA-Seq read counts (orange) to relative qRT-PCR expression levels (purple) for four top DEGs. Δ CT values are shown, with low values indicative of low mRNA abundances. High concordance between the two methods can be observed. qRT-PCR confirms increased levels of S100P and KRT7 and decreased levels of FCER2 and CA4 mRNA in duodenal adenomas in comparison to normal duodenal mucosa samples (purple bars). B. IHC results for S100 and CK7 expression in duodenal normal mucosa or duodenal adenoma tissue sections. Moderate and relatively strong positive staining for CK7 and S100, respectively, was also confirmed in duodenal adenomas compared to corresponding normal duodenal mucosa samples. Representative samples that had undergone RNA-Seq are shown. Scale bar: 50μm. COL=Colorectal samples; DUO=Duodenal samples
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