Supplemental Figure 7 from Randomized Phase II Study Evaluating the Addition of Pembrolizumab to Radium-223 in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer


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Immunofluorescence staining of PD-L1+ CD68 myeloid cells in the bone biopsies. A. RNAscope staining of DAPI (cyan), CD68 (orange), PD-L1 (magenta), Tim3 (green), TIGIT (white) and overlay of bone marrow metastasis. CD68+ cells that co-express PD-L1 are indicated with arrow. Tim3+ cells are indicated with pointer. Scale bar, 20 μm. B. Scatterplot of PDL1+ CD68+ cell frequencies of tissue imaging data and PDL1+ CD14+ CD3-CD19- myeloid cell frequencies of CyTOF data from blood samples taken at the same timepoint (baseline, n=10 patients). R2 value is based on Pearson correlation. C. Scatterplot of TIM3+ CD68- cell frequencies on tissue imaging and TIM3+ CD3+ T cell frequencies of CyTOF data from blood samples taken at the same timepoint (baseline, n=10 patients). R2 value is based on Pearson correlation.
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