A tuberculosis elimination-focused geospatial approach to optimising access to diagnostic GeneXpert machines in Fiji.

George Bates,Philip C Hill, Isireli Koroituku,Donald Wilson, Mun Reddy, Mike Kama

Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH(2024)

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OBJECTIVES:Fiji could be the first country to eliminate tuberculosis. To inform this strategy, we aimed to identify how many GeneXpert® machines are required to enable over 90% of Fijians to be within one-hour easy access. METHODS:We used Geographic Information System (Quantum GIS; QGIS), OpenStreetMap and population data (Kontur) to map possible facilities in relation to QGIS generated 60-min drive-time isochrones, with correction for missing road data. For outer islands, we calculated a distance to nearest hub operation. RESULTS:The solution comprised 24 GeneXpert® machines, allocating 7 GeneXpert® to Viti Levu, 6 GeneXpert® to Vanua Levu and 11 to other islands. This resulted in 827,810 people, 93.6% of Fiji's population, being within 1 h of a machine. Twenty-one thousand four hundred seventy-nine people on outer islands were an average of 43 km by water from the nearest facility. CONCLUSIONS:We conclude that over 90% of Fijians could be within an hour of a GeneXpert® machine with placement of 24 machines.
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